You Have Your Best Work To Look Forward To
By Head Coach Kisa Davison Earlier this year, my cousin Jenny died of cancer. When I saw her a few months ago, I said, “Are you afraid?” and she said, “No, I’m not afraid of dying. I’m mad because I’m not done yet.” We have work to do, and a lot of that work isn’t […]
This Is The Greatest Benefit of Jiu Jitsu
By Head Coach Travis Davison When people think of the benefits of jiu jitsu, they usually think about getting fit, stress relief, or self defense. They usually think about winning a fight with other people, but they may not think about winning a fight with themselves. They may not think about how it teaches you […]
Why You Need To Take Your MMA Training All The Way
By Head Coach Travis Davison When I’m sparring with a student I can tell when they think to themselves, “I can’t do this.” They go for a throw or a takedown, and I can feel the moment when they think to themselves, “I’m not sure I can do this.” They don’t commit and stop halfway. […]
What Happens When You Get Frustrated at Something New
By Head Coach Travis Davison I had a student come up to me after Wimp 2 Warrior practice the other day, and she said she was getting frustrated because she couldn’t remember the moves that she’d been practicing. This is a common BJJ white belt frustration. It’s a totally normal thing to experience when you’re […]
When You Are A Better Person, the World Is A Better Place
By Head Coach Kisa Davison Everything I know about learning from difficulty, I learned from the Kansas state motto. Ad astra per aspera. To the stars through difficulty. I used to think that come hell or high water, no matter what the difficulty was, by gun I was going to get to those stars! Now, […]
Accomplish Your Goals & Conquer Your Day With One Habit
What does your morning routine look like? Is your routine to jump out of bed at the last possible second, shoving food and coffee down your throat on your way out the door? Or is it to get up at the same time every morning, preparing your mind and body for the day? Do you scroll through […]
Why Fitness Warriors Need Support From Their Spouses
Who remembers to buy the toilet paper in your home? Who remembers to put Ziploc bags on the shopping list? Or cough syrup, laundry detergent, milk, peanut butter, school supplies, Goldfish crackers, or eggs? In this article from Real Simple, “The Invisible Workload That Drags Women Down”, it talks about how women do the bulk of […]
8 Benefits Of Your 8 Week Transformation
How many times have you thought about a goal you’ve always wanted to reach but didn’t feel the motivation to go for it? Our most successful students know that there is no motivation, only getting after it. Getting started is the hardest part of achieving any goal, and with SBG’s 8 Week Warrior Transformation. Do […]
Reach Your 2018 Goals With SBG
How To Have The Freedom To Reach Your Goals When you hear me talk about goals such as doing planks, spending time in the sauna, intermittent fasting, or working out with my family in the morning, you may tell yourself “I couldn’t do that” or “I’m not a morning person” or even “I hate planks”. […]
A Morning Routine For A Winning Day
Your morning routine sets you up for a day of success. Some of the most successful start their mornings with a few of these activities: Mindfulness/Meditation/Breathing: Check out the yoga classes if you need some ideas on this. Journaling: Even if it is only 10 minutes the practice of getting your thoughts out on paper […]