What Is The True Meaning Of Tribe?

If you scroll through social media, you may notice that the word “tribe” is very popular right now. You see it on coffee cups, t-shirts, and Instagram posts. People are using #squad and #tribelife and using it as a catchy phrase. Tribe is something people desire but they don’t know what it is or how to find it.

What they don’t realize is that the value of tribe isn’t something that fits on a coffee mug. There are a lot of bad tribes out there. You can end up following poor leaders, who create toxic environments. Just because a leader is influential doesn’t mean that they are a good leader to follow.

At SBG Missoula, tribe is a group of people that come together who share common goals and similar values. Tribe’s true meaning is bigger than any one person.

I can’t put a price on how much the SBG tribe has had a positive influence on my life. When I first came to SBG I didn’t realize that what I was looking for was tribe. But the longer I stayed, the more I knew I was home.

The SBG tribe – both in Montana and worldwide – has really opened my mind since I joined. I had a narrow mindset growing up, but after being immersed in this international tribe, my mind opened. I listen to people more and what they have to say. I’ve met people from all over the globe at SBG camps.

I tend to be a Negative Nancy, but when I’m around Coach Cheryl Anne, I feel happier. She has this big belly laugh that makes me want to mimic her. She reminds me of a piece that is hard for me to pull out but is there deep inside me, a desire to be happy and positive all the time.

Coach Leah Taylor gives to others first until she can’t give anymore. I look to her and try to be as generous as her with my time and energy.

Coach Kisa Davison can turn any situation into a better one, because of her insight, her willingness to help others, and to be nonjudgmental. Rather than write someone off, she’ll explain it from their point of view. I would never think to do that, but seeing her makes me see something deep inside of me that isn’t a dominant trait of mine but is there.

It’s not just the coaches, either. Where I am now and where I will be in 5 years is 100% a credit to the people around me. As a group we might have the same goals, but as individuals we all bring something unique. That’s what you create when you value the meaning of tribe.

I want our tribe to drown out all the bad tribes. SBG Missoula has a rich culture of tribes that came before it, and that is the foundation of the amazing tribe we’re building here.

Tribe is a beautiful, powerful, word, and I would love for our tribe to cover the world in so much positive influence that it washes out the bad.

Your positive influence and good vibes have a home here. Those vibes are what SBG is built on. I can’t wait to see what you contribute.

Coach Bekah Bell
SBG Missoula

Call today for your free private lesson, (406) 721-7244

Recap Of The SBG Montana Sumit

SBG Montana recently held its inaugural Montana Summit in Kalispell from June 14th to 16th, drawing over 70 members from its six locations across the state. The event was a resounding success, featuring intensive Jiu Jitsu instruction led by black belt gym owners from Missoula, Whitefish, Bigfork, Bozeman, and Kalispell.

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