What Are You Fighting For?: Welcome To Women’s Health Month!

Everyone talks about how joining the gym changes your life. You become confidant, stronger, healthier, happier, and so much more.

We fail to notice or realize the support we receive and how close we become to the people we train with daily. That realization came to me the day I received my diagnosis for breast cancer.


In February, of this year, I was diagnosed with DCIS (ductal carcinoma insitu) early stage of breast cancer.

After receiving the news, I called Kisa, co-owner of SBG Montana, where my family has trained for nearly four years. As I poured out my anger and fears through crying, cussing, yelling, she just listened and talked me through it.

She could’ve said she was too busy or not answered the phone at all, but she didn’t. She listened. She helped me realize that I had so much support and because of that I would be okay. She was the voice of reason I needed at a time my world was crumbling.


I wanted to do something for myself before the endless appointments began, so I competed in a jiu jitsu tournament. I had my husband, children, coaches, and team behind me. I overcame so much that day, and for the first time got to step up on the podium.

Once all my appointments began, I had to take a break from training. Even though I was not physically at SBG, the support and encouragement was still surrounding me. Because of my tribe, husband, and children I was able to overcome the battles, the depression, and the fears. Five months later, I competed in another tournament and stood once again on the podium.


This tribe is amazing, not just for me, but for the special women in my life, who lost their battle to this horrible disease.

The wonderful members of this tribe not only wear the belts, but they truly helped saved me in a moment I was at my weakest. For that I will always be grateful and proud to say my family is apart of SBG!

– From, Angie Wieczorek, an extraordinary BJJ Practitioner, Competitor, Friend, Mother, & Wife at SBG Montana.


Recap Of The SBG Montana Sumit

SBG Montana recently held its inaugural Montana Summit in Kalispell from June 14th to 16th, drawing over 70 members from its six locations across the state. The event was a resounding success, featuring intensive Jiu Jitsu instruction led by black belt gym owners from Missoula, Whitefish, Bigfork, Bozeman, and Kalispell.

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