Growing Gorillas: More Than Martial Arts for Kids
What made you want to sign your child enrolled in our Growing Gorillas kids martial arts program? Was it to learn discipline and respect? To learn confidence? Or to simply have an energy outlet while taking part in a healthy activity? Growing Gorillas gives your kids all of those things! But there’s so much more […]
What A True Fight Looks Like
Why Your Ego Is Not Your Amigo When all you know of violence is what’s on TV, it gives you false notions about what real fighting is. You might think to yourself, “I could do that” or “if I were in that situation…” Even if you’ve never been in that situation, you’ll have unrealistic expectations […]
Messy Emotions & Raising Resilient Children
At least once a day, a kid cries in one of our classes. Every day it’s a different child, and every day it’s for a different reason. Maybe they got hit in the face with a dodge ball. Maybe they got fed up because backrolls are a struggle. Maybe they’re hungry, tired, or had a […]
How Martial Arts Helped My Son With ASD
By Coach Bekah Bell Growing up as a coach’s daughter, I played numerous sports most of my life and gained many friendships through the different teams I was a part of along the way. When I became a parent I couldn’t wait to put my son in organized sports so that he could have the […]