What Are You Fighting For?: Welcome To Women’s Health Month!

Everyone talks about how joining the gym changes your life. You become confidant, stronger, healthier, happier, and so much more. We fail to notice or realize the support we receive and how close we become to the people we train with daily. That realization came to me the day I received my diagnosis for breast […]

PRESS RELEASE: SBG Taking The Fight To Choke Out Cancer

KALISPELL, MT, September, 1, 2017 At SBG our fighters know what it means to put everything on the line for a fight, and this year for Breast Cancer Awareness Month they will be using those skills to #chokeoutcancer. Beginning September 1st and continuing through the month of October, SBG athletes across the world will sport […]

Learning to Respect Yourself: A Look Ahead at Women’s Health Month

October is one of my favorite months for many reasons. I love the changing colors of the leaves, Halloween candy, sweaters and boots, and yes, pumpkin spice! October is also the month that my sweet, Grandma Annie died in 2010, and during this time of year I like to celebrate her memory and the lessons […]