Meltdowns Matside: Signs of Anxiety in Kids
How many times have you heard your kids say these things when dropping them off for jiu jitsu?: I feel sick. My tummy hurts. I need to pee. My legs hurt. My arms hurt. But I don’t want to! Or meltdowns, lots and lots of meltdowns. I know you have all dealt with this, because […]
Growing Gorillas: More Than Martial Arts for Kids
What made you want to sign your child enrolled in our Growing Gorillas kids martial arts program? Was it to learn discipline and respect? To learn confidence? Or to simply have an energy outlet while taking part in a healthy activity? Growing Gorillas gives your kids all of those things! But there’s so much more […]
How To Raise Your Child to Be Bully Proof
The hardest part about dealing with a bully is learning how to keep your cool in the face of adversity. The bully makes threats that feel scary to the other person, comments that are deliberately hurtful or threats of physical harm. The bully’s words and actions are intended to trigger powerful emotions such as fear, […]